Daniel Corregidor




Daniel Corregidor 

Ingeniero de Telecomunicación      

Daniel Corregidor received the Telecommunication Engineering degree (specialized in image and sound) in February 2016 from The Technical University of Madrid (UPM). He worked developing audiovisual projects into a company of the audiovisual industry until April 2017, when he joined GTI (Image Processing Group) of ETSIT at the UPM to work on research projects.


Tel.: (+34).91.336.7353
Daniel Corregidor 
Grupo de Tratamiento de Imágenes
Dpto. Señales, Sistemas y Radiocomunicaciones
E.T.S. Ingenieros de Telecomunicación
E-28040 Madrid -- Spain
Fax: (+34).91.336.7353
E-mail: dclgti.ssr.upm.es